Wednesday, April 28, 2010

welcome, beautiful feminine souls!

Hello! This blog is intended for girls, teenagers and women who are of any race, sexual orientation, religion, or age who desire to be known and loved, even if they are not aware of these longings. The intention of this blog is to be a mere instrument in bringing healing and freedom to a feminine soul that has been shamed by others and herself. To offer an invitation of grace, which is really just an invitation to be beautifully real and still accepted. This blog is intended to encourage women to come out of hiding and to support their bravery during the process.
The idea of having a public place where one feminine soul shares her craving for freedom from insecurities came out of a simple desire to share truth. This truth that I have found is beginning to set me free and I feel as if every woman should hear.
Like many girls ((arguably all girls)) my doubts, neediness, loneliness, shame, insecurities, and inadequacy were my closest friends. Not one person knew the extent of my shame, not even myself. If a man rejected, a boss disapproved, a parent shamed, a friend misunderstood, it was a catastrophic event. It was not a simple disapproval, it was a soul-shattering type that made me doubt my being. People held too much power. Honestly, they still do.
Instead of honoring my feelings of inadequacy I hushed them. Belittled them. Cringed at them. I despised my feelings. I shamed my soul’s attempt to speak and be honest. I did not let the most wounded part of me speak; she was far too messy. She was far too needy to show others or to even admit to herself.
This is where my journey began months ago. Allowing the wounded, bruised, quiet, shamed little part of my soul be heard and valued. I became aware. It is a difficult challenge, very counter-cultural to sit and listen to the most “unattractive” part of your soul speak. This blog will be a reminder of the beauty that lies within every woman. We were created uniquely and it is about time we unleash our brave hearts to the freedom of feeling. Have courage to feel.


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart and soul

  2. Love you and your honesty. You are precious.
