Saturday, May 22, 2010

from birth to death

I was home one weekend visiting my family and my precious 80 year-old-grandmother, who is affectionately known as ‘Granny’ called me aside to expose her wounded heart to her granddaughter. She so vulnerably opened her heart to me and I will forever cherish our ten-minute conversation. I saw my Granny’s feminine soul at its most purist.
She began the conversation simply and matter-of-factly. She expressed to me her loneliness and her deep desire for friends. Most of her friends are sick, dying, or have already passed. She is aching for a girl friend to go shopping with, eat lunch with, walk the dogs with, and be known by. She longs to laugh with a friend, cry with her, love her and be loved by her. It brings me to tears to know that my Granny, in all of her tenderness exposed her heart full of longings for a cherished friend. I was a privileged girl to see the depths of her heart. It was messy, yet so beautiful.
Longings for rich relationship never leave a feminine soul. We never grow out of them. We never marry out of them, have kids, buy a house, live a whole life without them. Our feminine heart aches for rich relationships. From birth to death.
This is Granny. She has courage to feel her lonely heart.


  1. thank you for hearing people's hearts

  2. wow, sweet sis...this is beautiful!! love you and your tender heart!!

  3. We are lucky to be able to fulfill our longing for true friends in a lifetime.

  4. Your granny is a very special woman. She raised a beautiful daughter who, in turn, also raised beautiful daughters...beautiful through and through.
